The SURGE Knowledge Hub is a curated library of gender equality resources to support users to improve their approach to gender equality in international development programming. Whether you are looking for DFAT guidance, how to apply an intersectional approach or need help integrating gender into your design, the SURGE Knowledge Hub is your one-stop-shop.
The Knowledge Hub is arranged by technical sectors and includes guidance and tools on assessment, design, evaluation, MEL and much more.
DFAT staff can access disability inclusion resources and technical advice through the DID4All Helpdesk facility
Showing 30 of 30Gender Equality in Investment Design Good Practice Note
DFAT requires new aid investments valued at $3 million and over to include a gender equality outcome, regardless of sector.
Gender Equality Investment-Level Strategy Development Good Practice Note
This note outlines the key features of a good practice Gender Strategy.
Design, Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines
DFAT’s Design and Monitoring & Evaluation Standards (the Standards) are designed to support the whole program cycle in DFAT - from concept through to design and implementation including monitor
Aid Programming Guide
The Aid Programming Guide (APG) is the basic source of information for all DFAT officers (Australia-based and locally engaged staff) who are responsible for management of the development program.
Gender Equality in Monitoring and Evaluation and Reporting Good Practice Note
This Good Practice Note helps DFAT staff integrate gender equality into monitoring and evaluation and ensures adequate attention to gender equality in reporting.
Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment Good Practice Note
This good practice note sets out DFAT’s strategic objectives for gender equality and women’s empowerment and the main entry points through the aid management cycle.