What is SURGE?

The Support Unit for Gender Equality (SURGE) provides gender technical advisory services for DFAT to have access to timely, high-quality advice and resources to strengthen its global, regional, and bilateral development portfolio and policy engagement efforts related to gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment. 

The overall goal of the SURGE is to improve the outcomes of Australia’s development program on gender equality and women’s empowerment through the provision of high-quality technical expertise. 

The SURGE will do this by providing DFAT with high quality, responsive technical assistance that supports and improves the quality and effectiveness of DFAT’s portfolio of existing investments and future programming that contributes to gender equality and women’s empowerment.

The SURGE maintains a panel of technical advisers across a range of disciplines including Economic Infrastructure and Services; Governance; Education and Scholarships; Climate Change and Environment; Water Resource Management; Protection; Humanitarian and Conflict Settings; Infrastructure; Health; Gender Based Violence; Women In Leadership; Women’s Economic Empowerment and Cross Cutting themes. The SURGE can also access expertise in other practice areas as required. Advisory services include short term rapid tasking through to long-term on-going advice to a commissioning area or project.

The SURGE is supported by DFAT and managed by DT Global
