Disability Inclusive Systems Strengthening in WASH.pdf
Water For Women 

There needs to be a focus on diversity and reaching the most marginalized. The above point was also a reminder that disability is diverse and that some individuals and groups experience greater levels of marginalization. During a lunchtime discussion on menstrual health management (MHM), Jane Wilbur of LSHTM presented on research she has led with WaterAid Nepal looking at MHM for people with intellectual disability. The research found that most approaches to MHM education, even if adapted to be accessible to many PWD, would not be able to reach or meet the needs of people with intellectual disability. The research resulted in a specific MHM campaign being developed to engage women and girls with intellectual disability and their carers. It was a reminder that it is not enough to aim to reach the majority of people within a certain group or to target those who are easier to reach – and that doing so may further entrench or exclude those who are most marginalized.

South East Asia Regional